Is it just me or do you ever seem
to go through your days sometimes without anything really remarkable happening? Nothing truly huge has changed in your life,
nothing worth writing home about has happened during your week, and you just live
day to day in a kind of ordinary manner.
While it can sometimes be a good
thing that nothing crazy is going on in your life, it is so important to
remember that your life is anything but
ordinary. You don’t need something “remarkable” to happen every day in order to
be happy and grateful with the life that you have.
Sometime last year, I downloaded
this app on my phone called Gratitude 365. The app is nothing special, really—it's basically a calendar where, each day, you can write down some
things that you were grateful for that day. You can add a picture to make it
look pretty, but that is basically the gist of the app. Now, I went through a
period of a couple months where I didn’t touch the app at all. But recently, I
began trying to use it every day, and I have been getting so much out of it.
The purpose of the app is not to
brag about all of the amazing things that happen to you each day. For me, it
has become a way to realize and appreciate all the little things that make my
days special. I will give you a few examples of the types of things that I write down in my
- I got a cup of coffee from Dunkin Donuts today and it was delicious.
- I put in a request to have some of the lights fixed in my classroom, and this morning when I walked into the room, it was noticeably brighter in there!
- I started reading a new book that I absolutely love.
Everyday, one of the things on my list would be YOU!!!